Tuesday, May 5, 2009

A fond farewell . . .

When buying older homes, you get old toilets! Ours was a nice blue potty - with matching tub! It had been our good friend. 5 years of toilet training, sick kids and grown-ups, toys stuffed inside, stickers adorning the lid. It even survived a dousing of mosquito spray which made the laminate seal bubble up and cause butt's to stick to it for a few weeks.

Countless winters of freezing pipes did not have any effect on the blue potty. Then one day last week, "POP!" The beautiful blue tank cracked sending a flood of -CLEAN- water all over the bathroom floor. We went 5 days without a toilet! (We do have another one upstairs, but when you are all cuddled in your bed downstairs, who wants to run upstairs in the middle of the night? Sometimes I would sneak and use the blue potty, hurry and turn on the water supply on, flush, wipe up the water all over the floor, and no one was the wiser. Until Ryann was caught using the blue potty and she quickly told her dad that "Mommy went in the blue potty too!")

So, so long to blue potty......

Hello to new white potty.....

It is really hard to look and the nice new white potty in the midst of the old peel and stick tile floor, surrounded by wood paneling I painted yellow in a fit of rage. At least we will save $100.00 when we go to redo the entire bathroom this summer!

And we now have a lovely planter in the backyard! YEE HAW!!

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