Thursday, April 2, 2009

"Who are you..who, who, who who........."

I love to looky-loo at other peoples blogs. It may be an addiction - IT IS AN ADDICTION. I love to see how creative other people are. Or how funny. Or see how life is in other places.

Sometimes I will go from my blog, to one of my friends, to one of their friends, to one of theirs. Other times I click on "Next Blog" up top and play a little blog roulette.

I put the 'News Feed' on my page to kind of see where people are coming from. I decided my addiction needs a little more info.

SO. . . . if you are popping in to do a little looky-loo of your own on my crazy blog - say hello, tell who you are or tell me where you are from! If you don't, I wont be mad. How would I even know who to be mad at.


Angela said...

Shelly, It's Angela.....Querry. I found you by way of Leslie's blog. I pop in now and again to see how things are going for your cute family. I saw your parents a couple of weeks ago and asked how everyone was doing. It sounds like things are going well. Anyway, love this post, may just steal it for my own. Check us out if you get a chance. Tootles for now!!!

Anelisa said...

Hahahaha......its just me popping in for a look. By the way.....I'm really glad you aren't leaving us :)

Ronda said...

Hello... my name is Ronda. Willis... I live in Randytown. I have a son, his name is Brayker Jett. He likes to eat and... sleep. Did i mention you are a NUT!? :) See ya!

Roberta said...

What a fun post! Here I am just "blogger stalking!" You'll know my town from just a few miles away! (Diamondville, next to Kemmerer, WY)Slip on over to my blog and you can take a peek! Maybe you even know my aunt and uncle from Woodruff!? Grant and Donella Dean!

Jaz said...

you have to check out this blog...she is super funny:

Nicole said...

Hi Shelly just popping in doing my blog stalking, just wanted to see if you are telling any fibs lately that are getting people all riled up. Chat with you soon.

Hannah said...

I read people's blogs too! I found yours because I am moving from Oklahoma to Preston, ID and I look at feedjit at Preston area blogs. So, hello from Oklahoma!

Wendy Sousley said...

Hi my name is Wendy and I am a blog-adict! (hey the 1st step is admitting it right?) I just ran across your fun post while stalking others, thought I would say Hi to my fellow adict. Pop in and say hi to my blog if ya want!

Mindy said...

great. Now I've got that song in my head.
thanks for letting me snoop on you. It makes me feel 15 again.