Sunday, November 9, 2008

It's Fall Ya'll!

It seems that fall does not last long here in the North. People think that because we do not have snow on the ground, we can't claim it winter. Let me tell you - it is winter. Randolph is where I have learned that it can be too cold to snow. We love it when it does snow, because it means it has warmed up outside.
Now that we are into November over a week, I thought I should post Halloween pics and whatever else I can download off the camera. Which wont be much! I am a terrible picture taker. Poor Kendall as a baby barely exists in photos because my camera was broken. Now that I have a fancy camera - which I have no clue how to operate Ryann has more baby pics than K-Dogg! And Ryann loves the camera! And red lipstick!
For Halloween we had Dorothy, Vampire Bat Girl, Pirate with a beat up face, and two little mermaids. I made Dorothy's dress and the mermaid costumes. Ryann did not understand that people are suppose to see the seashells, she wanted to wear them under her shirt. Once she was out with the other kids, she gave in and put them on the outside. The bat costume was mine when I was in middle school. Dylann found it at my parent's. And Kendall is always a pirate. Every year the same thing, different costume. She loves Captain Jack!
We did the 'Trunk-or-Treat' at the church parking lot. Then on to the standard houses. Judge McKinnon's for full size candy bars, the Telford's for marshmallow suckers, and up and down our street. We don't get very many Trick-or-Treater's at our house because our dog is gigantic. Kids are scared to steal our pumpkins too. Sometimes it is nice to have a horse for a dog. Christopher bought good candy this year and had a lot left over for him!

Kendall had a program at school for Halloween. It was so cute. She sang Halloween songs for the entire month. She is still singing them.

Last night the High School kids put on a after Halloween Spook House. They used the Elementary building for it. I had to stay in the car with Ryann and Payton, so the three older girls went in with a friend of mine. Halfway through my kids chickened out and came running to the car screaming their lungs out. The High School Principle came over to see if they were OK and told me I could walk them through and he would sit with my babies. My kids yelled "NOOOOOOOOO!" and begged me to just drive away. They slept on the front room couch last night due to the trauma they suffered.

And now for the monster in my house:

She loves her red lipstick. We have finally thrown it away because she colors her entire face with it. And her hands. And her neck. And her feet.

Today we had Stake Conference. Why I took Ryann and Payton I will never know. I took the two of them out for a potty break. Ryann was running down the hall and I told her to STOP! She turned to tell me "My legs just have to run!" Then I told her to follow me back down the hall. She was not obeying, so I told her that a monster was coming. She yelled at me, "No monsters live in this church!" I guess she would know, from one monster to another!

And yes, her hair always looks like that. We brush it and two seconds later - POOF!

1 comment:

Liz said...

It's never a dull moment at the Staple house. Very cute pictures We took the boys to a spooke alley down in Lehi the boys were pretty scared and decided one time was plenty. They tried to act tuff because we had taken some of our neighbors with us (girls) and the girls ended up hanging onto Jeff the whole time. It made him glad he has boys.